Friday, April 5, 2013


March 2013 is now just a memory but I still have some documenting of those memories...

A couple of weeks ago, Malakai played his very first t-ball game & his Daddy is his very 1st coach :) Here are some iphone pics from the game :)

He is still learning the concept of a team and really does not enjoy taking turns. I think he would prefer to be the "team batter" all the time. And maybe for the other team as well. 

Playing outfield is a waste of his time & he has better things to do like run around the bases when the other team is batting. 

So he may not completely grasp the concept or like playing on a team but he sure can hit that ball :)

So proud of this little man! The FOUR YEAR OLD!
And the best part- he got donuts at the end.

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