Monday morning:
Woke up next to the man I plan to spend the rest of my life with. Moments later, the house began to fill with the sounds of 3 small children waking for the day. Malakai, much like every other morning, came busting through our bedroom door asking to watch television or go in a say good morning to his sisters.
Michael was off of work for the day which was quite a welcome difference from most Monday mornings. He made the kids breakfast while I lazed in bed for a bit longer. (He's such a good catch.)
Michael & I headed off for a meeting & stopped by the grocery to grab a few things for the bbq we were attending later in the day. After I returned home, Michael headed out to run some errands and I stayed back to make deviled eggs...yum!
Around 3 we loaded up the kiddos & headed over to the bbq. We enjoyed a really beautiful (albeit HOT) afternoon/evening with tons of friendly faces and super tasty food. BTW- if you need someone to come grill it up for ya, Mike Cain is your man :) He had a blast on that grill/smoker! The girl talk was good. The night was peaceful. It was such a refreshing time.
We headed home- way to late. Got the kids in bed and followed behind not too long after. As I laid in bed reflecting on the day and evening, I asked Michael if he'd thanked a certain friend of our's for his service. He said, no- he hadn't even thought about it. I said, me either. And then felt like a jerk.
The End.
Okay, not really The End.
It hit me - when I was still thinking about my lack of thoughtfulness on Tuesday morning and seeing all the wonderful tributes to our troops & their families for the sacrifices they have made- I realized, that is sort of the POINT! We didn't have to think.
THANKS to our troops, we can wake up to the beautiful sounds of our babies- with no fear. We can drive down the road unafraid of being blown up. We are free to talk about what we want. Think what we want. Do what we want. Thanks to those men & women that have sacrificed everything. The everyday-mundane, is kept safe by their willingness to put themselves on the line so we don't have to. For over 200 years, men & women have been sacrificing their lives for you & me.
While I may be a few days behind the rest of social media-and still kind of feeling like a jerk, my gratitude is certainly no less. Let me encourage you today:
If you come across a soldier or a veteran, say Thank you. It will be appreciated. It is deserved. Let them know how blessed you feel that they would (or quite possibly have) willingly place their life on the line for your freedom.
Unfortunately, there is no adequate way to thank the ones that have made the ultimate sacrifice. Each one is someone's son or daughter. Possibly a brother, sister, husband, wife, daddy, mommy.
Young men.
Young women.
With birthdays.
And babies.
And cars.
Death Certificates.
If you ever go to DC- take some time. Stop at some memorials and read the names.
Like, don't just scan the walls.
Look at it as if you were looking for your son.
Or your brother. Or your Daddy that you never met.
I promise, you won't leave the same.
Rest assured, they are not forgotten.
Rest assured my heart aches & is ever grateful.
These few words are inadequate and thus,
Gone but not forgotten. Thank you, Soldiers.