But in a good way.
Yesterday I made a choice. I knew we'd be hosting community group in the evening. As you can imagine, with a husband that's been away for a few days, things were less than in order. I knew I wanted to mop my floors but there was so much everyday stuff to get done as well. I knew that even if I had the house cleaned up the night before, my 3 littles are more like 3 tonados when it comes to spreading things all over my house. I had planned to make chicken noodle soup with a roasted chicken. OH! and I had a Dr. appointment scheduled @3 for Ava due to a mysterious, spreading rash that was now covering her from head to toe. There was just a lot.
Embracing my jealous Ava twin. Really irritated that her sister dares to sit on my lap & leave her no room.
So about that choice. When my girls laid down for their morning nap (my first quiet moment of the day), I sat down to read the Word. I know this is where strength comes from. I know this is where peace and rest originate. This is how I am able to battle against the thoughts that leave me feeling defeated. As I sat there, ready to read, anxiousness filled my mind.
I have soooo much to do!
Should I really be sitting here reading?
I can try to fit it in later after I've gotten some of these chores done.
What in the world? How is she THIS adorable???
Instead of choosing to walk away, I prayed.
(Disclaimer- this is an evidence of grace in my life because sadly, I far too many times choose chores, tv, social media or whatever else, over time with the Lord)
Lord, show me your favor. Bless this time spent with you. Help my day be extra productive. The chores can wait- for now. Help me to get abundantly more accomplished.
My day didn't seem to be cooperating. I began to just think, Lord, if I don't get it all done, help me to be able to look over it all. Blind me, maybe? Just for a couple of hours while everyone is here. There was still a small glimmer of hope that it would be ok- I mean at least the floors were mopped and smelled good :) Oh, and the chicken was baked.
Then it was just about 3pm, I realized, I needed to try to find a sitter for the kids because I had let my son fall asleep for his nap just as I needed to be leaving the house. I sent a text. I waited as long as I could but ultimately had to wake Malakai. He was NOT a happy camper. Just as I was walking out the door, saving grace swooped in and I was able to take off with Ava and got to the pediatrician's office by 3:09p. Not bad considering the circumstances!
"The Rash"
Unfortunately, I was gone for 2 hours. TWO HOURS. Basically, Ava (most likely) has eczema but apparently needs something stronger than hydrocortisone cream to get it under control. This means a ridiculous amount of time waiting for the pharmacy to fill our prescription for a steroid cream. Annoying!
Ask me why I woke up feeling completely, utterly, totally blessed this morning? Ask me how I know the Lord cares for me. Even the smallest request. He loves me! He wants to bless me! Ask me how I know that... (I'm gonna tell ya anyway... ) Stop reading if you don't want to know :)
So when I returned home from our adventure to the pharmacy, my house was clean! Rooms I hadn't planned on touching, were straightened. It was welcoming and my friend had even finished up the meal. It wasn't the soup I had planned but it was hot and edible and ready. Btw- 3 children & 5 adults ate off of that chicken & I still had enough today to make soup! What a blessing! Last night, I didn't realize what an answer to prayer this was. Jesus said, yes. Yes, I will help you make your home welcoming.
Today, I am thankful for Jesus. Jesus who cares for me.
Humble yourselves therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that tat the proper time, he may exalt you, casting your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
1 Peter five:six&seven
Embracing my Ava that made my 2 hour outing possible which gave opportunity for unexpected blessings.
I also wanted to throw this out there... if you would jump over to my friend Amanda's blog, Rambo's Rampages, read what's going on in her life right now & pray for her family, and maybe while you're visiting her blog, leave her some love... I know she would be blessed. Little Rambo is pretty sick and in the hospital right now.

So, are you ready to embrace the camera?
here's the nitty gritty:
1. take a picture with you and your kids/spouse/family member/friend/whatever.
2. blog about that picture and include a link to our blog, or grab our button.
3. link your blog post up on the link tool here (@ the anderson crew).
4. visit the other embracers...give each other lots of compliments about how good we look with our greasy hair andsweatpants velour jogging suits on. cause yah, we need a little boost when it's been days since our last shower.
5. have fun!

What a sweet friend! Love that the house was Cleaned and dinner served. Great friends are such a blessing! Thanks for linking up again :)