You feel it happening.
It creeps up like a weed; starting small and growing until you begin to suffocate.
Sometimes it's big stuff but more often, it's all the little things.
And enter: grumbling.
Out come the toxic thoughts that have been stirring- filling your heart & mind.
Who receives the blunt of it?
Of course- those that matter most.
The husband. The son. The daughters.
The ones you cherish.
The ones you love so much your heart could burst.
The 'Old' self showing up to bring destruction.
So what are you going to do about it?
How are you going to put out the old?
Jesus makes me new.
So how are you going to embrace the New?
Thank you Jesus for the truth of your word...
A kingdom divided against itself is laid waste & no city or house divided against itself will stand.
(Matthew 12:25 ESV)
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
(Ephesians 4:29 ESV)
Speak TRUTH in LOVE.
Be willing & open to speak life.
Recognize & speak to the
in people's lives as you see them.
Some life-giving words for my family...
Dear Husband,
I love you. I know I do not always show it in the right ways but I do. You are a good man. You bless me, daily. You have a servant's heart and I learn so much from you. You have gift of loving people. This week, today, I want to thank you. Thank you for washing the dishes and cleaning kitchen. Thank you for putting dinner away. Those are small things but sometimes it is the small stuff that says the most. Thank you for getting up every morning & going to work. You are such a hard worker and are doing your best to provide for our family. My desire is to honor & respect you. You are a living example of a good man for our son. Your love for your daughters will spur them to never settle for anything less than a man that cherishes them like their Daddy. Thank you for doing your best as you lead our family. I love you always. Really. Really.
Dear Malakai,
Mommy loves you more than you know. I am so proud of the sweet boy you are developing into. It brings my heart joy to see your smiles & your precious belly laughs. Today we left the playground and you didn't complain. Most of the time, I can count on you to do not complain when I say it is time to go. That makes me so proud. Watching you love on you little sisters could just make me burst! It is such a wonderful thing to hear you sing to them & express your love to them. They absolutely adore you. I hope we always do a good job of pointing you to Jesus & telling you how much you are loved. Your love for people is such a wonderful gift & I hope you hold on to that. It makes me smile to see you talk to everyone as if you'd always known them. God is going to use you in BIG ways, Little Man. Can't wait to see it all unfold.
I love you dearly. The Lord knew what he was doing when he brought your sweet little life into mine. You are so smart! I just love how intuitive you are and how you already show signs of being a "little mama." I can see gifts beginning to develop. Thank you for always giving the sweetest lovies to your brobro & sister. I pray for the Lord to give me wisdom as I have the beautiful opportunity of training up two beautiful girls. May the Lord turn your little heart toward his. May you receive all that He has for you. I love you, baby girl.
Dear Lillian,
I love you, sweet baby. You are so precious! It is amazing to see you grow and learn new things daily. You are always listening & absorbing like a sponge. It is evident that you have an adventurous spirit in you. I look forward to seeing how the Lord develops that in you. I love how you have such a special relationship with your sister. You know what you want & will work hard to get it. God is going to use you in some big ways, girl! I pray that I can help steer you always toward Jesus and his will for your life. Your laugh, humor & affection are beautiful love letters from Jesus every day. Thank you for being such a blessing to my life. I love you, Lilly girl.
These little love notes are hopefully just the beginning of training my heart to recognize all the beautiful evidences of grace in the lives closest to me. The Lord is working in my heart to speak words of life to those around me. It is so easy to allow the complaints & negative junk around me flow from my mouth rather than putting them to death. Thank you, Jesus that your truth equals life, freedom, peace & joy!

Dear Sarah,
ReplyDeleteDaddy loves you and could not be more proud of the woman of God that you have become and are becoming. Over the years, I have not said nearly enough how much you mean to me. Even more than that,God has chosen to add another son and three precious little ones to our branch of the family tree. I can little absorb the grace that He has directed toward me through you and your family.
I love you Sweetie.
Your Daddy
Great reminder! Sweet letters to your family. Oh and that up there ^^^^ is the sweetest thing ever. You are lucky to have such a wonderful father!!