Happy Birthday Big Sister
Dorothy is the one wrapped in the pink blanket :) |
Dorothy is my older sister. She'll always be a year older- thanks mama for that line :) 30 years ago, my parents were blessed by their first child. As a newborn she received a special place in the hearts of our grandparents as the very first granddaughter.
She is special and wonderful and more loved than she knows.
Allow me to take a few minutes to share with you a few things about my big sister...
Anticipation :) |
Most of my life was spent NOT appreciating all of Dorothy's wonderful attributes. Fortunately, I can spend the remainder of it redeeming what I always took for granted.
Big sister holding chunky little sibling... is this Sam? |
She is one of the most caring, sensitive people you'll ever meet. She's funny- especially when she isn't trying to be and even more so (according to her husband) when she is mad :)
wuv, twrue wuv |
She is a people pleaser. She'd do anything for anyone if they ask and she is able. She cooks, cleans and works hard for her family.
A-Dorbs! |
Something I had a hard time understanding (and I still don't fully) is she has always been my biggest fan. Even when she acted like she hated me (sisterly love/hate) she was always supportive of everything I've done. I guess it confuses me because she has SO much going for her and I wasn't the nicest person to her- I don't know why she would cheer me on. She is smarter than I could ever hope to be.
"The Girls" |
She is beautiful inside & out.
She inspires me to be a better person.
Looking beautiful & inspiring |
She loves & is loved by children but especially my children. Hey, they love her so much they even blame her for breaking their toy from 2 hours away, hehe :) But seriously they love their Aunt Doty or is it Dorfy... or maybe it's Dothy... depends on the day/minute but either way, she is loved and thought of often.
Aunt Doty with "Turtle" (Malakai) |
oh my gosh... they really were that little once! |
She's a reader & a writer... creative & grifted.
looking all pretty & such |
When I look at my sister today, I know she has SO much to be proud of for her 30 years of life. The best part is, she's just getting started. This isn't the time for over-the-hill, grave stones and black veils because she's never had more to live for than she does right now.
awww :) |
Time is such a funny thing. I remember when Aunt Lorie turned 30 thinking how far away that age seemed to me- like we'd never get there. Well Dorothy, we're here you're there. :)
I'm so proud to call you my sister.
You are beautiful, smart and older errr...
Little Dorothy & Little Sarah |
The best is yet to come!
Happy Birthday!!! I love you!!!