Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Bye-Bye November....
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Dog Days Are Over
It isn't kidding. It isn't 'kids being kids'. It isn't funny.
Help save lives.
**This post was inspired by Pentatonix on The Sing-Off. They chose to spend time volunteering for a suicide prevention organization for bullied teens.**

Monday, November 28, 2011
Life Made Lovely Monday {What's in a Name}
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Hello dramamine. Hello home.
This photo was from the beginning of our trip. I wish it was forshadowing a pleasant trip. Beautiful, beautiful scenes of the mountain countryside. Carsick 2 year olds are not so beautiful. Pitiful, yes. Beautiful, no.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
A Little Out of It
It is time to get back to actual blogging that people even care to read. I cannot wait to share some the photos from our beautiful scenery here in the mountains. Frost in the mornings, beautiful sun in the afternoons and marsh mellows by the fire at night... ::bliss:: I think most people know my preference for all things sand and ocean but I wouldn't trade these surroundings this week for anything.
So check back in a few days to see some (hopefully) much improved blogging :) My commitment to blog everyday this month has been successful so far but it has made for some pretty lame posts over the past few days due to lack of resources and time :)
I'll leave you with this tonight...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Can you Feel the Mountains Tremble?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thankful Heart
Homes and cars and jobs and food are luxuries for some.
Amidst the hustle and bustle throughout the days and weeks, it's easy to forget what brings us such great peace.
Now look around and ask yourself, what blessings can I share?
Knees humbly bent in reverence for the One who gave it all.
Family full of turkey, grace and love.
Unbelievable blessings, graciously given from above.
Loving, laughter and life fill every part of my heart.
This week has been such a refreshing time with family and friends. The Lord has truly blessed me with good people.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Common interest
Heading to west virginia, all these things have kept our sweet, car sick boy, occupied.
We took the "scenic route" of sorts to our destination. Travelling through all kinds of little coal mining towns had me wishing we could stop. I would have loved to take some photos! It's kind of neat to think about the fact that so many of the citizens in those town have something in common: coal. Whether they mine it or have a job because of those who mine it, they need it. This big black business keeps their little towns running and growing. For some it has tradition for others its just pay check but none can deny their need for it. It was sort of a random thought but an intresting one that one industry could be the sorce of so much revenue and commonality between people.
Tonight, I will leave you with my slight randomness and allow you to get back to your evening :-) leave me a comment to say hi and weigh in with your random thouht for this Tuesday :-)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Today, they were playing and talking and looking so big! It was such a joy!
**side note** my son is talking to his 2yr old cousin n I quote, "OH! I know what happened to the tractor! Its sleeping, in the barn! Its sleeping." It is super cute :-)
Sadly, I had forgotten all the falling. This time the falling is x2! Yikes! I lost count on # of falls today. Thankfully, they recover quickly!
We're almost a week in to having 2 one year olds and it's good. I cannot wait to see what this next year holds!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
That is all for today.
Sorry for the lame blog post. It will get back to normal here soon.....
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Birthday Week Day 5 {crazy day}
Today is birthday celebration #2 for the pretty girls :-) lots more blessings, lots more kisses, lots more hugs :-) We celebrated with my in-laws at our thanksgiving feast :-) It was super sweet and a lot fun to see family! My intentions were to get some photos and post them today but, yeah, didn't work out. I'm actually writing this in the car on the wayb to pick up my sick husband from drill. (Someone is bringing him to meet me at a gas station which gave me a few minutes to get this done :-) Anyway, one this I've learned about my girls this birthday: they LOVE cake! Haha both times they've had the opportunity, they dug in like they hadn't eaten in days! (I will add pics when I get to a computer :-)) Second thing: they are fabulous! I already knew that but really, they did so good today! Family visits consist of lots of driving, people they aret that farmiliar with and minimal naps. These two girls were champs! They smiled, played, hugged, kissed... s sweet :-) So this is what I have for today. Kinda lame but it's written and I didn't miss a day of nablpomo :-)
Friday, November 18, 2011
Birthday Week Day 4 {Yep, Identical}
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from this ^ |
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To this ^ |
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Birthday Week Day 3 {Say What?!}
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Day 2 of Birthday Week {Letters to my daughters}
Momma loves you. More than you know, I love you, sweet 'Baby A'. Everyday I am more thankful that God thought fit to place you in my care. Our dreams for you are nothing more than to see you follow Jesus and love Him with your whole heart. We of course hope, pray & believe for your protection, health and success. We trust that God has great plans in store for your life.
Please know that you are a joy to my heart. You bring a smile to my face daily. Your smiles are contagious. Your kisses are intoxicating. Your tender heart is an inspiration. I love to see you love on your sister and learn from your brother.
Thank you for being my daughter. Thank you for joining this family. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you.
{Dear Lillian}
Momma's heart is full. Full of lots and lots of love for you, my precious, 'Baby B'. My heart is blessed by your love for people. I see in you an adventurous spirit. From the beginning you've done things your own way. You test limits (and patience). You climb and crawl on everything. Jesus has great plans for you you, baby girl. We know and trust that as you place your life & heart in God's careful hands, He will lead you and guide you in peace. He will use you & your strong spirit to share His grace & love. No matter how many things you get into or messes you make, we love you always. Your laugh and smile and precious hugs melt my heart. I can't tell you how much I cherish your cuddles.
Thank you for being my baby girl. Thank you for joining this family. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you.
{For My Twins}
Please do not ever question our identity. No matter how much you may look like your sister, we see YOU. No matter how many times you are asked, "Now which one are you?" No matter how many times you are compared, analyzed, stared at or questioned, We see YOU. We know you. We see Ava. We see Lillian. We see your differences. You are unique. We only expect you to be who God designed you to be.
Please trust that you are NOT a burden. You are a blessing. Unfortunately, you may hear people describe you as 'double trouble'. This is NOT truth. We've always considered you both a double BLESSING. An extra portion. We are honored to be your parents.
Please try to understand that time passes quicker than you realize and some day you will want it to slow down. These few years I have with you, I look forward to making many, many memories. I look forward to teaching and learning. I look forward to growing and changing. Just realize that I am content to wait for those memories to be made in due time. I am enjoying you today. Tomorrow will bring new ones but my goal is to savor every single moment I have with you- today.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Can it be?!?
Both girls are just getting so big and are truly coming into their own little personalities. Seeing them interact is so neat. They have a special bond and I look forward to watching that continue to develop.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Evidence of Grace
As I busied myself in the kitchen making THIS cake for my girls' party, the girls were napping and Malakai was playing in his room. Just as I was finishing up getting the first cake in the oven, I heard the faint sounds of waking babes. A few minutes had passed (trying to get as much done before getting the busy bees out of their bed) and I headed to their room to get them up. As I rounded the corner, I could see that their brother had also heard them and took it upon himself to go in, turn the light on and climb in Lilly's bed (this happens pretty often). He loves to go in and say, "good morning" and talk to them when they wake up. It's sweet... but not nearly as sweet as what I happened upon this particular afternoon.
Not only had he climbed in her bed, but he sat down in the corner with her and was praying for her!
He had his eyes closed so he didn't even realize that I came in. I RAN to the other room to grab my phone, hoping to catch this on video so Michael could see it when he came home. I walked back in just in time to hear him say amen. This was our conversation following.
(I believe the beginning of the video is right about the time he said, "Amen.")
Without further ado...

Sunday, November 13, 2011
Reality sets in...
My tiny 5lb twin baby princesses just celebrated their first 1st birthday party. Their actual birthday is on Tuesday but we celebrated at church with some friends and family this afternoon. I am so thankful to have such great friends and family that helped me pull things together :) It was pretty and dainty and everyone had a great time!
My friend Kelly (a woman w/ a servant's heart who graciously gives her time, creativity and efforts) and I made a cake from scratch: Red {Wine} Velvet Cake w/ German cream cheese buttercream frosting... one word... YUM! (This recipe was written by someone my husband knew growing... she is a very talented pastry chef and witty writer- check out Stella at her blog, The Brave Tart) I'm not the most experienced baker but I do enjoy it and this turned out fabulous!
My sister also receives BIG props for her sewing skills... she made some adorable dresses inspired by this dress. I will share more when I have photos but I definitely wanted to say, "thank you" :)