Embracing the camera today with my sweet girly girls :) Last week, while Daddy & brother were visiting family, we had the opportunity to take some photos :) (Thanks Grauntie! Check her out here: In His Grace Photography) They reminded me how quickly time passes (seems like everything does that these days...) and to cherish each moment.
In the spirit of gratitude that seems to rise up during this season, I want to share just how special these girls are to me.
Since knowing you, our lives have been flipped upside down.
You have filled our home with more joy, more smiles and more laughter.
Thank You.
Throughout the past year, you've shown me so much about myself.
Never did I realize how big a heart can grow to love more than you can ever imagine.
Sometimes you make me crazy.
Sometimes you cry- even scream.
Sometimes I don't know how I can make it another moment.
And then there's those little adorable faces :)
I'm in love with your expressions.
I'm in love with your personalities.
Your determination is invaluable and unrelenting.
But that is good.
I am thankful God made you so strong.
Your smell.
I am so in love with your little baby smells and
When you're sleeping, your cuddles are irreplaceable.
I am so thankful for the reminders of how truly different you are.
Your faces may look (almost) exactly alike but you are
wonderfully, amazingly different.
Those pigtails make my heart happy.
I am thankful for your curiosity and wonder with this world.
Always thinking, always scheming.
(that is a photo of a dog she is pointing at- haha)
I am thankful for little fingers and toes.
Already they've experience so much but their journey has just begun.
They are small, petite and vulnerable.
Some might imagine that with two of you littles (plus your brother) that most of my days are like this photo. They would be wrong. Although these moments happen. A lot. And its mostly annoying. The majority of our time is not this. Its not the tough times that stick out in my mind. The memories I hold on to most are the laughs, the cuddles, the kisses. I am thankful for the safety you feel with me. I am so grateful for those special times that you curl up and go to sleep on my chest. I am thankful that even in the tough times, you are exploring, learning and teaching. Some times the stretching may hurt a little (or a lot), I am a better, stronger mama, wife and woman.

So, are you ready to embrace the camera?
here's the nitty gritty:
1. take a picture with you and your kids/spouse/family member/friend/whatever.
2. blog about that picture and include a link to our blog, or grab our button.
3. link your blog post up on the link tool here (@ the anderson crew).
4. visit the other embracers...give each other lots of compliments about how good we look with our greasy hair andsweatpants velour jogging suits on. cause yah, we need a little boost when it's been days since our last shower.
5. have fun!

No problem :) lol!
ReplyDeleteJust had another lady in my office dying over how cute your girls are!! They're adorable!
Thank you for swinging by my blog today and linking up! Happy to have found you. These photo's make my heart happy. I don't have kids yet, but photo's like this are amazing! How blessed you are. Your girls are adorable. And I love the photo right above the caption about they may make you crazy sometimes. Perfect photo for that caption :)
ReplyDeleteThey both make me laugh so much! I love how very much THEMSELVES they are, and how they play, and climb, and demand, and babble and sing! I love that Lilly can say jump! As she tries to leap off the couch, and that Ava finds pulling up with her mouth a better idea than using her hands. And it makes giggle (a little) that they get to eat forbidden food at my house, and they only say cat when they are at my house, no where else. It reminds me of how the cats were Malakai's favorite, too, and for awhile, that's the only name he referred to uncle will by.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post dedicated to your girls! Those pictures are fabulous and the shot through the pigtails has GOT to be my favorite of them all!
ReplyDeleteI wish you were closer. :(